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Do Topicals Get you High?

Dec 31

The use of topical cannabis products has recently gained popularity. You've probably heard about the beauty industry's interest in incorporating cannabinoids, or compounds derived from cannabis, into goods like moisturizers, lotions, creams, salves, balms, and other bath supplies, whether or not you're a stoner.


In the cosmetics industry, cannabidiol (CBD) is the most often used ingredient. Although cannabidiol (CBD), the second most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis, does not cause intoxication, it does seem to give some therapeutic benefits such as reduced pain and inflammation.


On the other hand, THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is present in several topical products. A natural question for those unfamiliar with cannabis research is whether or not psychotropic effects can be expected from topical THC.

The reply is: It depends


Unfortunately, the answer is not as cut and dry as many people who use this topic may have hoped it would be.


Researchers simply do not have the data necessary to confirm or reject whether or not THC can permeate into the bloodstream after topical administration. This is a regular occurrence when it comes to questions surrounding the effects of cannabinoids.


As a result, the vast majority of users of topical must make their decisions based solely on anecdotal information, which can differ from person to person and from issue to topic.


It appears, based on the experiences of previous users, that there are three factors that determine when a person will start to feel the psychoactive effects of a substance:


It is dependent on the amount of THC

It is more likely that topical medicines containing higher concentrations of THC will allow a bigger amount of THC to infiltrate the skin and reach capillaries. This indicates that a greater quantity of THC will flow through the bloodstream and create psychoactive effects.


Even while some CBD products contain trace amounts of THC, it is quite unlikely that the total amount of THC present is sufficient to cause psychoactive effects.

It depends on how the substance is applied topically

The longer a THC topical remains in touch with your skin, the greater the likelihood that some of the THC will be absorbed into your bloodstream.


However, bath bombs and soaks containing THC allow your skin to remain in contact with the THC for an extended length of time, which increases the possibility that some cannabinoids may enter your bloodstream. Lotions and creams dry too rapidly to have much of an effect.


Your specific physiology will determine the answer


THC communicates with the body by way of the endocannabinoid system, which operates in an individual's body in a manner that is unique to them and determines the psychoactive effects they experience.


A person's tolerance to THC can also vary; if you are especially sensitive to low doses of THC, you might feel the effects of the substance from topicals, but someone with a higher tolerance might not feel them at all with topicals.

Is There a Risk of Failing a Drug Test If You Use CBD Lotion?


It is highly unlikely that using CBD lotion will cause you to fail a drug test. Since CBD is not a psychoactive form of cannabis, it is not something that will show up on a drug test.


In drug tests for marijuana, the psychoactive component of cannabis, known as THC, is the compound that is being looked for.


Even in cases where THC is present in topicals, it is highly improbable that the substance will be detected in a person's blood or urine and cause them to fail a drug test.


Cannabinoids connect with fat molecules, which means that wherever you apply them, they will most likely remain in your skin and the tissue underneath it. This is because cannabinoids are lipophilic, or fat-loving.


Cannabis topicals have been used as an explanation by some individuals for their failure to pass a drug test; nevertheless, this explanation is highly unlikely to be accurate.


The only way for topicals to be delivered throughout the entire body is for a person to utilize a THC patch, or for the topical to be transdermal. Both of these methods are considered transdermal topicals.

How Does Cannabidiol (CBD) Topical Cream Affect the Body?


After being applied, the topical marijuana cream is absorbed by your skin, which results in a decrease or removal of any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing.


The reason for this is that the cannabinoids found in topical marijuana creams bind to the cannabinoid receptors that are found all over your body.


The fact that cannabis topical balms are typically not psychotropic is one of the primary reasons that many individuals choose to use them.


If this is something that is important to you, you should be aware that there is a possibility that some transdermal cannabis patches will cause you to become high. Think about trying one of the many other kinds of cannabis-infused topical creams if the sensation described above is not what you are looking for.


What Issues Do Cannabis Lotions Help?


Topical cannabis balms are an effective way to treat a variety of painful illnesses, including muscular and nerve pain, arthritis, inflammation, and skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.


Although there have been reports of excellent outcomes for the treatment of menstrual cramps, headaches, and migraines with topical marijuana creams, there has not yet been any scientific validation to support the use of these creams for the treatment of these conditions.

Final Words

If you're having trouble understanding the distinction between "topical" and "transdermal," just keep in mind that the prefix "trans-" indicates across or beyond.


Topicals are applied to specific areas to provide treatment, and they do not have an effect on the body as a whole. When THC is included in a transdermal product, the user will experience psychoactive effects. Not in the case of a topical.